Does it fall from skies above?

Its coming  Its Almost here but not just New Years  A Brand New Decade Folks,,,
This is special ....  For me Second Life is New Babbage an amazing Steam Punk Victorian Community Owned and Run By The Amazing and Quite Modest Mr Tenk Our Mayor.
Maybe not a builder in Prims But a True Care taker of Hearts many Minds and Souls from all around the globe  A true Artist of  how to handle Hearts and Minds ...
Come to New Babbage !!!!
As for my adorable head Piece including Hair Its from The clever Minds of Stones Works
Cigarette holder animated with Sparklers of course and For Men Its a Dreamy animated toper 
Just say Sparklers on in open chat and these two head pieces begin to shoot off sparklers.
But there is more. I kid you not. Stones Works has made an animated 2020 back drop complete with Sparklers and the works 
Will I ever know the sweet "hello"
That's meant for only me?
Who can say where it may hide?
Must I travel far and wide?
'Til I am beside the someone who
I can mean something to  
Don't let the celebration of 2020 pass you by ,,,,,,,,,
Where is love?
For me its with my Dear Friend night or day  right in The Heart of New Babbage 
Enjoy Your own with The Help of Stones Works 2020 Head pieces and Back rounds 
now available on Market Place  or in World 
get the Back drop  with or without animations too on Market Place or in World
