The End of a Era ................

Some people do not get this remark ..

Like them or not ..With out a doubt
The entire family Still represented something
that Our Society seems to be slowly forgetting about
Public Service Is not a hobby or even an occupation It is a way of life !
Public Service , An entire family (originally nine children now just one, Jean)
each shared their entire lives in the public light .
Tragedies , triumph , Be it the Kennedy Curse of Not .. each member of this"Camelot"
Served the Public their entire lives .
Mass. Sen. Ted Kennedy Dies at 77, After Cancer Battle
Edward M. Kennedy, one of the most powerful and influential senators in American history and one of three brothers whose political triumphs and personal tragedies captivated the nation for decades,
died at 77.
My real life (and breezy's) Heart and prayers goes out to this family(once again) .. seemed I have been raised to do .. *sigh*
God Bless You Teddy ..(( you were never my guy))
alas It is with respect I type rest in peace ...
being a new England gal .. and on the cape for summer most of entire life ..
anyone that ever went to a Kennedy party (over the past two decades) knew this is "Their Tune"
smiles .. wipes away a tear ."She Knows!"
. Please join me in taking a moment (putting aside all negatives)to