Fair Winds and A Final Good -Bye :)

Indeed this a formal final Good Bye to RFL 2009 .. I shall the list awards (( yes they do and have had them every year .. No, none of us knew they existed and to be honest I do not think any of this was about awards.. But , It was a wonderful powerful surprise to receive them ))
I need to say three important things here before I close out ..
Good Builders do indeed have opinions and personalities but Great Builders are also modest .
1) for six months I quietly sat through endless meetings and worked behind the scenes. Indeed I had a plan . With ideas and took notes and kept a journal . I came in with all my heart (and rfl real world experience) and passion to make this year an extra special one . I tried to do so with out malice or warrant . One thing I suggest for next year real world sponsorships ( I did get $100.oo bucks from a real life contact, but they did not want their name in second life grins a boiler company heh!)
I went to the best people I knew for the jobs that needed to be .
People that were able to make, take and find the time with out conflict or guilt, no more no less .
Lets face it people this was an entire Community and build team and it was a humble privilege to work with each one and an honor to communicate with each one .
2) It was my intention not to spam this community nor make anyone feel they have to ..do anything !
But to Show the entire Grid We Are New Babbage , A Very Special and Caring Community !!!!
Every Merchant and designer and builder (( and then some)) I asked gave .
I thank YOU each from the center of my heart ..
Every neighbor helped and gave and I thank YOU also from the same spot .
To each of you that visited , that made the time and stood on our camp site and rooted for others on the track .. To the many of you stayed and walked laps around that track and had fun on track thank YOU so much ..
3) Huge thank YOU to The Clock Winder who gave me the chance and a wonderful Opportunity ..
I will say this was with out a doubt the hardest most challenging and most beautiful experience I have ever endured on this grid ! One really has to be in to get it and when you are . It is Most Moving and quite different .. Indeed a very Powerful experience .It really does take a Strong Community the full the six months to build and build and when it all comes together and all the flaws ..all the what ifs .. Why nots .. How comes .. How dare you etc .. they all melt away on that track and The Relay and the Sunday Best in builds that for One weekend Shine and show the unity for that cause Thank YOU for this Unique Opportunity to each of YOU !!
Three Cheers to each of YOU and New Babbage , One of the Finest Communities I know !!!!
It was an honor and privilege to work with and for and represent YOU all
God Bless You and each one of YOURS
May The best of Steam always be with each of You !!!!
Breezy Carver
ps *smiles One more request I have for the 2009 team is to take a team photo ((humor me here guys its important .. smilesss and wavessssssssssssssss and twirlsssssssssssssssssssss away))
below the six month summery ....
God Bless You and each one of YOURS
May The best of Steam always be with each of You !!!!
Breezy Carver
ps *smiles One more request I have for the 2009 team is to take a team photo ((humor me here guys its important .. smilesss and wavessssssssssssssss and twirlsssssssssssssssssssss away))
below the six month summery ....
Second Life RFL 2009 Raised over $260,000.00 usa cash .. Up from $217,000.00 in 2008
2009 Relay For Life Of Second Life Awards
Most Inventive Campsite Fundraising Award
Awarded to the most unique and creative way of fund raising at a Relay campsite
1 Armada Fights Back
2 United Forces Against Cancer
3 New Babbage RFL
Best Theme Decorated Campsite Award
Awarded for all-round design interpretation of the One World, One Hope…Relay for Life theme and sub themes for each Region
1 V-Innovations
2 New Babbage RFL
3 Eternal Beacon
Designer Sim Build - July 18 Relay
Awarded for the design that captures the essence, the reality and scale of the real or imaginary worlds they represent, and truly give us a world to call our own for a brief and unforgettable moment in time.
For over-all atmosphere, ambiance and detail
For the clever way they took difficult requirements and made them into a center piece
For the tasteful and enlightening way of incorporating cancer awareness into at theme
For the best storytelling One World, One Hope…Relay for Life theme
Mars Sim
Build Team Headed by Reitsuki Kojima
Design Team members
Greg Merryman
Elfod Nemeth
Doctor Obolensky
Rip Wirefly
Aeolus Cleanslate
Kaylee Frye
Beq Janus
Kandace Commons
Canolli Capalini
Skusting Dagger
Most Laps walked
Awarded to the person who walked the most laps during the actual 24 Relay hours, as declared on the official Relay Lap Counter
Jaraziah Lowell (23.54 laps)
You have set a new record for fundraising in Second Life! AGAIN!
Current Linden Total:
L$62,114,357 Current Dollar Total:
~ U.S.$270,388
This year we introduced the Convio fund raising website. This site was an area very similiar to the real world relay online donation sites. It gave us the ability to reach beyond SL to our friends, family and co-workers who may want to contribute to your individual or team fund raising.
Top Individual Website (Convio) Fund raising
Jaelle Akula $1,744.38 US dollars
*4- Annechen S Lowey $525.00 Dollars
2009 Relay For Life Of Second Life Awards
Most Inventive Campsite Fundraising Award
Awarded to the most unique and creative way of fund raising at a Relay campsite
1 Armada Fights Back
2 United Forces Against Cancer
3 New Babbage RFL
Best Theme Decorated Campsite Award
Awarded for all-round design interpretation of the One World, One Hope…Relay for Life theme and sub themes for each Region
1 V-Innovations
2 New Babbage RFL
3 Eternal Beacon
Designer Sim Build - July 18 Relay
Awarded for the design that captures the essence, the reality and scale of the real or imaginary worlds they represent, and truly give us a world to call our own for a brief and unforgettable moment in time.
For over-all atmosphere, ambiance and detail
For the clever way they took difficult requirements and made them into a center piece
For the tasteful and enlightening way of incorporating cancer awareness into at theme
For the best storytelling One World, One Hope…Relay for Life theme
Mars Sim
Build Team Headed by Reitsuki Kojima
Design Team members
Greg Merryman
Elfod Nemeth
Doctor Obolensky
Rip Wirefly
Aeolus Cleanslate
Kaylee Frye
Beq Janus
Kandace Commons
Canolli Capalini
Skusting Dagger
Most Laps walked
Awarded to the person who walked the most laps during the actual 24 Relay hours, as declared on the official Relay Lap Counter
Jaraziah Lowell (23.54 laps)
You have set a new record for fundraising in Second Life! AGAIN!
Current Linden Total:
L$62,114,357 Current Dollar Total:
~ U.S.$270,388
This year we introduced the Convio fund raising website. This site was an area very similiar to the real world relay online donation sites. It gave us the ability to reach beyond SL to our friends, family and co-workers who may want to contribute to your individual or team fund raising.
Top Individual Website (Convio) Fund raising
Jaelle Akula $1,744.38 US dollars
*4- Annechen S Lowey $525.00 Dollars
*5 - Ceejay Writer $465.US Dollars
Top Teams Website (Convio) Fund
1) Relay Rockers $3,780.38 US dollars
2) Circle Of Life $2,302.00
3) Eternal Beacon $1,345.53 US dollars
*4) New Babbage RFL $1,265.00 US dollars
***************** Please note I included *5 and*4 because well because grins :)
Spirit Of Relay Award 2009
Spirit of the Relay Day Award for 2009: Awarded to the team& Individual that embodies the “Spirit of the Relay”. "Spirit of the Relay" includes an overall performance of the team & Individual , not simply the amount raised. This includes the Relay activities and embodying the One World, One Hope…Relay for Life theme.
Spirit Of Relay - Individual(s) - Fayandria Foley & Trader1 Whiplash
Spirit Of Relay - New Team - Relayfor Hope
Spirit Of Relay - Returning Team - Passionate Redheads
Team Fundrasing Club Banners
The Team Fundraising Club has been adapted from the RL Relay's for Second Life and was used in previous SL Relay's in 2005 & 2006. It is based on the total linden dollars a team has raised as of opening ceremonies, and continuing as levels increase during the July 18 & 19, 2009 Relay.
Purple 10,000,000.00 and Up
Diamond 1,000,000.00- 9,999,999.00
Gold 500,000.00 - 999,999.00
Silver 100,000.00 -499,999.00
Bronze 1,000 - 99,999.00
For a full list of the 125 plus teams and thier total Linden dollars raised..please go to www.relayforlife.org/secondlife and click on the teams totals on the left side.
New Babbage RFL L$723462
US Cash $1245.00
We came in a Silver Team closed the end of Relay as Gold !!! We Raised over 220k lindens during the Relay weekend .. WOW !!!!!
37 Sims
125 teams …..
The Top 25 Linden Teams
Relay's Raiders L$5541059
Goreans for Relay for Life L$4224082
'09 General Donation Fund L$4200765
RELAY for HOPE L$4124865
The All-Stars L$3551775
Relay Rockers L$3436347
Friends Fighting Cancer L$2623546
Passionate Redheads L$2437812
Indie Rock for RFL L$2284657
Team Caledon L$1617522
BOSL Relay Team L$1200584
Eternal Beacon L$1132292
Eshi Otawara L$1125328
The Quest for a Cure L$1095477
Sail for Life L$1060518
Relay Hope L$1059642
The Lands of NoR L$1055665
Relay Wizards For SpUnKy L$1044672
United Forces Against Cancer L$935412
Circle of LIfe L$886061
Designers in Seclusion L$831351
Paws With A Cause L$786456
New Babbage RFL L$723462
Military Vets Group For RFL L$690325
SL's Cure Chasers L$660062
Top Teams Website (Convio) Fund
1) Relay Rockers $3,780.38 US dollars
2) Circle Of Life $2,302.00
3) Eternal Beacon $1,345.53 US dollars
*4) New Babbage RFL $1,265.00 US dollars
***************** Please note I included *5 and*4 because well because grins :)
Spirit Of Relay Award 2009
Spirit of the Relay Day Award for 2009: Awarded to the team& Individual that embodies the “Spirit of the Relay”. "Spirit of the Relay" includes an overall performance of the team & Individual , not simply the amount raised. This includes the Relay activities and embodying the One World, One Hope…Relay for Life theme.
Spirit Of Relay - Individual(s) - Fayandria Foley & Trader1 Whiplash
Spirit Of Relay - New Team - Relayfor Hope
Spirit Of Relay - Returning Team - Passionate Redheads
Team Fundrasing Club Banners
The Team Fundraising Club has been adapted from the RL Relay's for Second Life and was used in previous SL Relay's in 2005 & 2006. It is based on the total linden dollars a team has raised as of opening ceremonies, and continuing as levels increase during the July 18 & 19, 2009 Relay.
Purple 10,000,000.00 and Up
Diamond 1,000,000.00- 9,999,999.00
Gold 500,000.00 - 999,999.00
Silver 100,000.00 -499,999.00
Bronze 1,000 - 99,999.00
For a full list of the 125 plus teams and thier total Linden dollars raised..please go to www.relayforlife.org/secondlife and click on the teams totals on the left side.
New Babbage RFL L$723462
US Cash $1245.00
We came in a Silver Team closed the end of Relay as Gold !!! We Raised over 220k lindens during the Relay weekend .. WOW !!!!!
37 Sims
125 teams …..
The Top 25 Linden Teams
Relay's Raiders L$5541059
Goreans for Relay for Life L$4224082
'09 General Donation Fund L$4200765
RELAY for HOPE L$4124865
The All-Stars L$3551775
Relay Rockers L$3436347
Friends Fighting Cancer L$2623546
Passionate Redheads L$2437812
Indie Rock for RFL L$2284657
Team Caledon L$1617522
BOSL Relay Team L$1200584
Eternal Beacon L$1132292
Eshi Otawara L$1125328
The Quest for a Cure L$1095477
Sail for Life L$1060518
Relay Hope L$1059642
The Lands of NoR L$1055665
Relay Wizards For SpUnKy L$1044672
United Forces Against Cancer L$935412
Circle of LIfe L$886061
Designers in Seclusion L$831351
Paws With A Cause L$786456
New Babbage RFL L$723462
Military Vets Group For RFL L$690325
SL's Cure Chasers L$660062