The Quest is on At Fantasy Faire 2019

Weeeee  Breezy was so excited  at Fantasy Faire .
A place she so looked forward to each year to see old friends and make many new ones and share the passion in finding an End to Cancer.
and The Quest was finally on !!
"Always a tuff one, but they try their best  and  Hope we all have fun as well."
"First thing is first: You go to the Fairelands Junction and get the HUD. When you have read the notecard in your purchased folder, you set out finding first the Bard Queen, and she will give you instructions, and then you head out finding a lot of stuff on the Fairelands."
 She was not a builder or writer nor was handy in anyway ((rolls eyes at own self )) what on earth could she do ???  she pondered and pondered 
She knew of one thing be herself.
She gave from her heart and never asked in return. ((except for questions extra clues of the quest ,she always seeked help there))
it really is a wonderful Quest and beautiful way to really
 see and understand the beauty of The
 Fairelands and all the designs in detail 
Note : I am blown away with Worldings,,
 as well as each of the very Creative the Regions 
She asked the friendly dragon at  The Shrine Tree Region((The Looking Glass)) for help finding the spell book....

Ah the Shrine was spectacular...…..and its for sale in The Looking Glass 
on Region in four designs how thoughtful  xoxo 
Once she found the book it was time to seek all the ingredients to fill the spell book....with the four elements found on The Faire Lands.....
and once it was achieved it was back to get instructions and update Hud from Bear Queen 
Hats off to Aisling Sinclair and Company for another
 spectacular Quest.
a great deal of creative hands and work went onto making it all  quite Spectacular!!
Thank You !!!
and now  on to second Part …..
