The Want of a Nail

I've been wrong
I had plans so big
But the devil's in the details
I left out one thing
No one to love me
No one to love me
No one to love
For the want of a nail, the world was lost
For the want of a nail, the world was lost
For the want of a nail, the shoe was lost
For the want of a shoe, the horse was lost
For the want of a horse, the rider was lost
For the want of a rider, the message was lost
For the want of a rider, the message was lost
For the want of a message, the battle was lost
For the want of a battle, the war was lost
For the want of a war, the kingdom was lost
The theme was the holidays are coming but  The Want of a Nail....
Now thats a theme  

Bodysuit “Piper Teddy”- 1313 Mockingbird Lane @ Fetish Fair

Hair{Limerence} Zoe hair at Romp
[AlternatiVe] Collar plus hugsYvonne and hair bow plus hugs at Romp
Maitreya Mesh Body Lara
 New Pearl Heels by Eurdora3D released  at FaMESHed X
Hair{Limerence} Zoe hair at Romp
 New Pearl Heels released  at FaMESHed X. Rigged for Maitreya & Legacy. ✚ Shoes are available in a single pack of 12 colors. ✚ 4 metal options. ✚ 3 sole options.
[AlternatiVe] Collar plus hugsYvonne and hair bow plus hugs at Romp
Bodysuit “Piper Teddy”- 1313 Mockingbird Lane @ Fetish Fair
poses from Le Poppycock 
