Just a quiet happy Easter Sunday evening...

Next I decided to organize and clean up my inventory a bit ..
Ah Miss Ordinal's new umbrella this shall be fun .. a bit more then Mary Poppins I would say
at just 150L a must have for all on second life !!
In no time I was flying around my own secret garden ... handles quite well and does sim crossings most Divine .. an easy 10 in rating and add a good song weeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!
After about a half hour I landed back down in the garden .. and decided to try on my new adorable bunny topper gifted to me by the delightful Miss Meadow McBride !!
Thank You Meadow how most darling really !! Happy Easter to You dear !!
as it was after 9 est time when I logged on now close to 10pm est
I knew it was late for her but there she was on line yay !!!
After chatting for a bit with dearest friend Miss Canolli she tped me to share her latest surprise

at just 150L a must have for all on second life !!

Thank You Meadow how most darling really !! Happy Easter to You dear !!
as it was after 9 est time when I logged on now close to 10pm est
I knew it was late for her but there she was on line yay !!!

and Indeed it was a surprise .. She had decided to raise the most darling build and was giving the rug peddler not only a hand but a shop to help him be a shop keeper ( not a peddler )
Ok notice our hats .. grins .. Special thanks again to our friend Miss Meadow !!
For how endearing we be .. in fact endearing was the word of the evening .. wink ~
after a wee bit of work it was time to take the new soon to be shop keeper for some cloths
what better spot then Blakopal's and Trilo's new shop in New Babbage .. What fun we had . and before long (or we trash the place cough cough heavens never !!) Trilo swung by and we all were entertained ..
me :whispers and nudges Canolli what is wiff the black and white pirate shirt he is still wearing ..
Canolli :"chuckes"
Ah then arrived Blakopal in her newest gown !! I had seen it on ning and sent her an IM right away on what a true tease she was as it is outstanding !!! This was an adventure the five us did laugh .. ahh then breezy quietly snuck in a purchase .. Now come on ladies if this is not heaven finding a new release on an Easter Sunday late evening (( as now it was after 11pm on a school night *grins* whispers no no Ceejay hun its not the Shelly Burg rust ..dress she has not released it yet !! *hugs*
Soon I said my good nights to all .. and I snuck back home .. I just wanted to relax and try this this most special "oh my stars Lil peace of heaven" it be gown .. why its Opal's signature Lovelace gown in white ..
I had myself a twirl or two grins .. but of course !! and then settled breezy down.
Time to log and go back to my own real world .. All and all it was a most special week end in both second life and first life .. but it the balance in between that helps me so much ..
hugss and many thanks to dynamic characters that enjoy me and my friendship for I treasure each of YOU and i believe you each know just who ya be !!

For how endearing we be .. in fact endearing was the word of the evening .. wink ~

what better spot then Blakopal's and Trilo's new shop in New Babbage .. What fun we had . and before long (or we trash the place cough cough heavens never !!) Trilo swung by and we all were entertained ..
me :whispers and nudges Canolli what is wiff the black and white pirate shirt he is still wearing ..
Canolli :"chuckes"

Time to log and go back to my own real world .. All and all it was a most special week end in both second life and first life .. but it the balance in between that helps me so much ..
hugss and many thanks to dynamic characters that enjoy me and my friendship for I treasure each of YOU and i believe you each know just who ya be !!
