Peirmont Landing Presents

Saturday ,
April 25th
6pm to 9pm SLT
The Evolutionary Ball
the evolution of clocks
Sundial Build Contest
{Brass copper .. working ..scripted}
{27 Prim limit ( 30 if it talks ) }
{Brass copper .. working ..scripted}
{27 Prim limit ( 30 if it talks ) }
2000L First Prize
1000L second Prize
500L third prize
also great prizes for best Dressed
1000L second Prize
500L third prize
also great prizes for best Dressed
Saturday ,
April 25th
6pm to 9pm SLT
Music By The Amazing Mr DJ Bats
Introducing A most special Release
Introducing A most special Release
Ms Cutea Benelli of Grim Brothers
Ms Cutea Benelli of Grim Brothers
A Most Special Release to be sold with all proceeds going
To Relay For Life for New Babbage
Thank YOU Miss Cutea Benelli
Sponsored By
House of RFyre
Capalini's Fine Furnishings
Blak Opal Designs
A Clock Stopped—
Not the Mantel's—
Geneva's farthest skill
Can't put the puppet bowing—
That just now dangled still—
An awe came on the Trinket!
The Figures hunched, with pain—
Then quivered out of Decimals—
Into Degreeless Noon—
It will not stir for Doctors—
This Pendulum of snow—
This Shopman importunes it—
While cool—concernless No—
Nods from the Gilded pointers—
While cool—concernless No—
Nods from the Gilded pointers—
Nods from the Seconds slim—
Decades of Arrogance betweenThe Dial life—
Emily Dickinson