The Grand Tour III

{Dress : a more grown-up version of the vagabond dress
by Miss Benelli [Grim Bros] location .. My Hatori .. }
Oh My the week has been relentless in all theaters!!
Breezy did manage to get her Grand Tour III Ticket..
How exciting and just think once again she is putting on her very own event ..
At her very own Piermont Landing ah THE ILLUSIONS-WHITE THEME BALL
WoW this is My Peirmont Landing's third Grand Tour .. YaY New Babbage !!!!
it is such a wonderful event .. traveling thru all the steam lands .
(( well twirling thru for some of we . wink ))
tisk tisk . checks to make sure everything is in order ..
Music _check
Prizes_ check check & check (( thank YOU wonderful sponsors and dear friends ))
Silent auctions in place and working _check check
(( thank YOU to my dear friends for early bids hugs))
Posters and pr out the best I can with out spamming .. _indeed ! check ! (heh)
decorations for the Landing _ almost there almost check not quite finished yet ..(grins)
Thank Yous to all that worked hard thus far _ check check !
Humm oh what to wear .. grins .. oh yes _check check check
Photo taking _ check
help with welcoming _check ..
Judges in place _ warm smile & check !
Building working hour glass contest .. humm we shall see !!
Surprises _ check check but of course !!

11:30 AM
A Taste of Oktoberfest!
The Confederation of Democratic sims starts the party with A Taste of Oktoberfest!
The Tiroler Eck Show Band Music will bring its mixture of Bavarian and Austrian schlager and traditional music. The band consists of 11 live musicians all playing together.
Wear your lederhosen, dirndls or whatever you wish, but be ready to smile!
You may find yourself dancing polka in the streets!Neufreistadt "New Free State" is a typical medieval Bavarian village in a cloudy mountaintop. If the "fog" bothers you, touch ctrl, alt, shift and the minus sign, all together, and it will be turned off.
CDS celebrates its 5th year of Democracy in Sl this year and is proud to participate in the Grand Tour III.
1:30 Pm
Ascot Ball in Victoriana
Orchestra leader Benton Wunderlich was playing tunes from "My Fair Lady" on the piano; female guests were attired in the finest gowns and the most glorious hats, and everyone was nibbling on cucumber sandwiches and smoked salmon and sipping champagne. No, it wasn't a garden party in the country in merry old England. It was the Ascot Ball in Victoriana! Held this year on June 20, at 1:30pm. It is certain to be the social event of the season, it's an event you won't want to miss. The Annual Victoriana Ascot Race will be held beginning at 2pm, enter your favorite horse & jockey before the race. Entry fees are donated to RFL.In addition, there will be fabulous auctions and the art exhibition Victoriana Views by Callipygian Christensen in the Town Hall
Midsummer Grand Tour for RFLWinterfell Solstice Fire Dance Miss Serra, Senechelf of Winterfell invites you to join her and her residents for a traditional bonfire dance in the heart of WInterfell, Taure En Lor.Winterfell is a dream fantasy region inspired by the magnificence of medieval castles and the romantic elegance of Victorian manors basking in the splendor of twilight, designed and inspired by stories, dreams and creative interpretations of reality.This event will be medieval casual but you are invited to come as you are to enjoy some lively music and friendly company!
4:30 pm
Marzipan Tearoom Midsummer Ball
The theme for the Marzipan Teahouse Grand Tour Ball will be Midsummer Night, for pixie, faerie, sprite, woodland folk, and, of course, humans. It will have an open air feel, with a warm breeze full of the scent of summer flowers and a hint of peat. The music, by Radio Riel, will be all period music with a hint of the wild abandon of summer and merriment. There will be dances in the garden, for the enjoyment of the warm summer night and gifts of summer flowers for the ladies' hair and boutonnieres for the gentlemen.
6:00 pm
Piermont Landing of New Babbage PresentsThe Grand Tour lll, Relay for Life
We've got magic to do... just for you
Hearts to warm, as we go along our way.
Music by the Amazing Mr DJ BATS
Sponsored by House of Rfyre,
Capalini Fine Furnishings,
Black Opan Designs,
9:00 pm
Circuits and Relays Ball in Steam SkyCity
Please join us in Steam SkyCity to celebrate all that has been Wrought by Man.Robots, Mecha, Jaegers, Clanks, and all other creations are invited to come and Celebrate the Wonders of Science!
And as a special treat, the winner of the Duchess Sandwich Auction will be announced and will be treated to the attentions of two of Caledon's Naughty Duchesses....So shine up your Brass, oil your Gears, and come Relay for Life!
10:30 pm
Ole! for Life Party with Joaquin Gustav!Al Andalus invites you to continue this special evening with Flamenco and other Latin music and dance to the fabulous spanish guitar of Joaquin Gustav, Second Life's best latin musician. The Al Andalus Sims recreate the beauty of the Moor Alhambra and 13th century Granada, Spain. Spanish and Arabic costumes are appropriate and look especially wonderful with the many latin dances, but all manners of dress and costume are welcome. Al Andalus is pleased to announce its upcoming merger with the Confederation of Democratic Sims, the oldest democracy in Second Life, celebrating 5 years this year!
12:00 Midnight slt
Trance Revolution
Emperor SteelCobra Calamari brings to you the wonderful sounds of trance. The very best from DJ Tiesto, Alex Megane, etc.The event theme may be trance, but the Steeltopia sims are anything but trance-like! This is a 19th to early 20th century themed area with a emphasis on steampunk and tesla electric power. Come as you are, no pressure, but bring your neon and sparklers! (no nudity or bdsm wear please!) Don't forget to see the train station!
1:30 a.m
3:00 am
The Justice League Unlimited welcome you to the Grand Tour. Join us for music, a demonstration of our special powers, a tour of the Adventurers' Club facility, and a Q&A session.Music by Edward Pearse of Radio Riel
4:30 am Principality of Fauve Welcomes You!Our stop on the Grand Tour will be a nature inspired Haiku and freeform poetry reading and composition opportunity where you can take your ease Sunday at dawn in our lovely Ochaya (Teahouse)...formal Asian dress encouraged :)Visit the Fairytale sim of Fauve where we realize our dreams in SL at an interactive playground, sea, land and sky, art and nature and lots of fun! Mirrors are Teleporters around the sim points, feel free to explore and enjoy :)
6:00 am slt
Celebration of St. John's Eve,
Congo Square in New ToulouseIn the old city, they would gather in Congo Square, those dragged from their homes an ocean away. They would tell the old tales and dance the old dances. Miss Marie was there, in the shadows with her wisdom and her potions and her knowledge of the old ways, the voodoo. On St. John's Eve, when the spirits were very close, they would dance the whole night long. Those who came to watch and jeer found themselves drawn into the dance, and their lives were never the same.In New Toulouse of the 1920s, they say, some still gather on the shortest night of the year, down by the river. They come up from the bayous and down from the fancy houses because they know: on this night, the spirits are with them.Join us, Grand Tourists. Come in the bright colors that please the spirits. Come with an open mind: come to watch, come to dance, come to remember how it was, back in the day...
7:30 am
V is for Victory! the fight against cancer,and that is what we're hoping to have.
Welcome to the USO dance stop on the RFL Grand Tour!! Come dance with us while listening to Big Band, Swing, and a smattering of jazz spun by the Caledon RFL Captain, Kiralette Kelley.We will be gathering high above Caledon Rothesay on a specially created dance floor. We will have liberty bonds for sale, and the dj will play anything you wish, for a small donation to RFL!Come dressed in your best 1940's duds, bring your best guy, gal, or pal, and dance those feet off while helping a great cause!
9:00 am
ROMA PRO VITA's Apollo's Masquerade
Come dance in Imperial Rome in your best mask and togaon the day when Apollo shines on us the longestand help us raise funds to defeat cancer for good.Roman classical dress preferred, any formal dress welcomeTo be held in the beautiful Imperial Throne Room, ROMA
10:30 am
Farmer's Market in Giverny
Soliel Snook and Kaye Robbiani will be hosting an old-fashioned Farmer's Market with music, face painting, typical market fare, dancing if you like, and more.In addition, feel free to explore the village and Monet's gardens, or take a boat ride down the Seine River, visit the musee d'art Americain, browse the art galleries, or just sit and sip wine, and visit with friends.
12:00 noon
Steelhead Airship Ceilidh
We will be celebrating the Tour with the first Steelhead Airship Ceilidh. Dancing, refresments, and a RFL benefit auction aboard the Airship Ballroom, moored above Steelhead Harborside.Music provided by Radio Riel presenter Otenth Paderborn.Steelhead CIty is a Steampunk/VIctorian Town set in the late 1800's in the Pacific Northwest, Washington Oregon territories.
1:30 pm
Waltz Night At the Wunderbar Ballroom!
Wunderbar co-owner ha Tenk will host " Waltz Night" at the Wunderbar Ballroom Dresscode: Ladies, gown; gentlemen, tuxedo
3:00pm slt
The Duchess' Closet
Dance and Gown Sale
As part of the Summer 2009 Grand Tour...The Prim Minister of Edison Gabrielle Riel cordially invites all lovers of fine ladies' fashions to The Duchess' Closet Dance and Gown Sale. All proceeds go to Relay for Life Team Caledon(get ready for Grand Tour IV!)
Thank you to Miss Annechen Lowey and Herr Baron, KlausWulfenbach Outlander, for being truly wonderful ambassadors and Conductors for the Grand Tour III.

hugsss and twirlssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ..