Stand Back :Steam Punk Heroes By To a T

See her own blog here I also sent the add to Dear Ceejay and a few others .. in no time I was all set up to Twirl away but not before a huge hug and many thank yous via IM after all it was the weekend and she is a busy gal .. in Public! The scandal! Yes, To-a-T has made bloomers, feel free to wear these in public places. Think of the outrage, think of the attention! ;-) Sarah Jane Bloomers & Automated Alice ensemble is at the main shop in Eyre now. The striped bloomers are trimmed wi bows & ruffles at the knee. The Automated Alice is an underbust corset made of hand worked metals, this model is made with iron and gold, velvet padding inside for comfort. Also included is the Kiralette ruffled blouse in luxurious silk, a lovely lace and ribbon choker, and the piece de resistance - a winged cog fob watch(Tempus Fugit) that plays a lovely french tune and chimes the hours by steam. It's all topped off with a Tesla Bowler that sparks on touch! Smart & Sassy.
Breezy had fun .. humble confession .. but wished to do these ladies Justice and share with all !!
Now dear Capt Red did her very own clever take .. clever gal she be .. you can view it here !!

The watch has the cutest animations as well and chimes on the hour !!
But Wait just when one thinks ok .. ok enough great collection.. let's move on She went and released more corsets oh yes she did !!! Six in all .. again I direct you to her website, and see of the neat additional pieces ..
Now there are six how ever I am just sharing three of them here ( grins )
each most clever and the three I left out a wee bit more of a grunge look very wicked and well done in deed !!
Each of these sets come with Kiralette ruffled blouse in luxurious silk and corsets in all three layers .. quite clever add ons really !!
Of course Breeze had to rush back and get one and try it on for a good spin.. and few extra Twirlsss

garment Test of this Lady always !!
who help indeed bring the Steam shall we say to life each time we log our characters on !!!
So from my own Steamy heart to yours thank YOU for reading and visiting and seeing what the steamy side dare to dream and for a moment in time are able to visit have fun and indeed

Continue to Give us Steam so we can continue to ah Yes Dream !!!!!
A lolita skirt, a scandalous scrap of fluff mini skirt, and a fun tutu. All with stitched and worn details to match the ~gutter glitter~ tops and jeans. two different sets of shorties, adorable panties and super fun star pasties to match! (All are part of the skirt sets, and yes there is also an uber pack for the skirts!) In :lust:sorrow:bruise:gloom: colors, at the ~silentsparrow~ main shop
"The Workshop"A steampunk style residence/commercial build suitable for any victorian/steampunk/whimsical sim or plot.Please view images to see more detail!This round structure sports worn sooty brick, strengthened by riveted iron girders. A smoking chimney rises up the side of the building, fed by two fireplaces within. The first floor has scuffed wooden floors, bare ceiling and brick walls. An ivory handle hangs from a chain. Touch the handle, and the spiral stairs drop down, one step at a time allowing you access to the second floor.The second floor has victorian green wallpaper, accented by metal moldings against a worn, but still elegant tile floor. A large chandilier hangs from the center of the ceiling, against an ornamental ceiling tile. Scuffed windows allow you to view the surrounding countryside, or sooty city.Out the front door, to the side, a rickety elevator (called and manuevered by touching the lift itself) carries you up a scaffolding to a spacious and private attic with scuffed wood floors and bare wooden walls. A printed ribbon flutters slightly, that when touched, calls the ramp to fall down from the widow's walk.Open air, scuffed wood floors, a wonderful place to view or perhaps set up a telescope, the widow's walk is easily navigable and camera friendly. Have tea with friends, or gaze out over the sea.. This structure will fit on a 35x35, but would probably be more comfortable on at least a 40x40. Stylized to be more about steampunk asthetics, great attention to detail was given.. from the girders to the floors.. to the scaffolding and steps leading to the elevator.. this building was a labor of love. Standing at 279 prims, the house comes in 4 sections.. main building, elevator, chimney and spiral stairs. Use what you want.. modify the prim count how you like. Note: This house is modifiable.. however, certain things are not. All the primwork is.. the scripts within (for use of animating the stairs, elevator, doors and smoke script) are not. It is also copiable.. and is packed using Rez-Foo. Perfect for victorian settings, steampunk settings or general old feel.For more information, please contact Canolli Capalini.
To view this house in SL, please go to Capalini Fine Furnishings
I took some of my photos in this wonderful work shop.. I love it !!!
I took some of my photos in this wonderful work shop.. I love it !!!

I would like to thank Miss Terry ,Miss Hya and my closest one of all Miss Canolli
for it is each of your own lights that continue to spark .. inspire so many of we ..
a toast to each of YOU ladies !! Hugss and many Twirls ..thanks for the extra doses Steam with love breezy