Hero For Ladies At Swank

We Lost an Icon Today Charlie Daniels RIP
There will never be another
The Power and Might of Mr Charlie Daniels a True Icon and American Hero
'Got on a plane in Fresco and got off in Vietnam.
I walked into a different world, the past forever gone.
I could have gone to Canada or I could have stayed in school.
But I was brought up differently. I couldn't break the rules

Swank opens Today July 7
Hero for Women At July Swank 
HERO - Simona - Dungaree - Maitreya
HERO - Simona - Top White - Maitreya
HERO - Simona - Shoes - Maitreya 
{Limerence} Sheri hair-Boobs
Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V5.1
LaGyo_Antoinette Hearts Necklace
LeLutka Head Aida 3.4
Skin Glam Affair
Pose Follow Me Couple from From LePoppycock At Main Store
Back Round Includes
(Milk Motion) the forest skybox scene
DiMi's - The Troll Lake01
DiMi's - The Troll Lake 02
